Impact Wrestling Bound For Glory 2020: 10 Things That Must Happen

2. Jordynne Grace Makes History

Jordynne Grace Bound For Glory
Impact Wrestling

There are many possibilities with regards to the X Division Championship Scramble Match.

Rohit Raju could prove his critics wrong by actually retaining the title through conventional means, Trey Miguel could finally bring gold back to the treehouse, Chris Bey could gain a bit of retribution over 'The Desi Hitman' by reclaiming the strap he lost at Emergence, the list goes on. The only one that should happen, however, is the crowning of the first-ever female X Division Champion in Jordynne Grace.

Now, it might be a bit too soon to crown a female X Division Champion considering Tessa Blanchard becoming the first female World Champion only happened in January (even if it does feel like a lifetime ago). However, Bound For Glory is the place for such a historic moment.

When it appeared as if 'Thicc Mama Pump' had dethroned Rohit on last week's Impact, it came as a shock. A nice shock, though, like when you find more fried chicken after you thought you'd finished it. For all two minutes it lasted, Grace holding the title just felt right at the time.


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