Is Roman Reigns No Longer "THE" Guy?

The Roman Empire is on shaky ground.

Roman Reigns Winning Moment Picture

According to The Wrestling Observer newsletter, Vince McMahon was reportedly furious at Roman Reigns for his drug test failure. Besides having to apologize to the entire locker room, he may have also lost his spot as THE guy in the company.

The plans are still for him to be one of the top stars in WWE, but he may no longer be a lock as John Cena's successor.

This will likely make countless fans happy, as they've become tired of Vince's latest pet project pushed as the best the company has to offer. Despite plans for Reigns to carry the brand into the future, he never endeared himself to a majority of the crowd.


The vocal opposition to his push continued to grow, yet Vince never blinked, continuing to go all-in on him. Those days could be over.

Roman is in a bad spot. He could end up like Lex Luger, who was once the next big thing, but found himself falling out of favor by the end of his run.


If Roman wins the belt upon his return, that may be a sign that the boss has changed his mind again, but that would also send a terrible message to the rest of the roster. We'll find out soon if Roman's days as THE guy really have ended.

In this post: 
Roman Reigns
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