2. The Heart Attack
King was involved in tag team match with Randy Orton against CM Punk and Dolph Ziggler in September 2012. After the match he took his place back at the announcer's desk and felt completely fine. Michael Cole recalls how he heard snoring and thought Lawler was playing games. However, he soon realised he wasn't. Lawler fell out of his chair and onto the floor while receiving attention. The medics on the scene thought King was having a seizure but it was soon determined that he was having a heart attack. The content in this part of the documentary is really graphic and pretty hard to watch. The cameras follow King, who is laid out on a stretcher, to the back and show him receiving shocks from a defibrillator. It really needs to be seen, no words I type can do it justice. Jerry's girlfriend, Lauryn, revealed how King was unconscious for around two days before he came round. Lawler even said it himself, one second he was looking at Kane, the next he was waking up in a hospital bed with tubes down his throat. Miraculously, Lawler had no damage to his heart and was able to return to work within six months.
Ross Tweddell
Content Producer
Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.
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