John Cena: 5 Awesome Matches And 5 That Sucked

2. John Cena Vs CM Punk, WWE Title Match - (Money In The Bank 2011) The greatest WWE match since Shawn Michaels vs Undertaker in 1997 according to the rating system of wrestling journalist Dave Meltzer - Cena vs Punk had it all. Much like other entries on this list, it was Cena's ability to elicit emotion that really made this match. His phoney good guy character was hated in Chicago, the hometown of edgy underdog CM Punk. Cena's public face of the company was the perfect foil to elevate Punk's anti-hero into being a genuine main eventer. The build up was perfection, mostly thanks to CM Punk's unforgettable "pipe bomb" promo, but give Cena credit, John was the only man who could have played the role of adversary to Punk. The in-ring action was close to perfection. Cena took his bumps and did his moves brilliantly, mixing smooth transitions with big spots. Punk was in his absolute element, no doubt about it he was the driving force, but it takes two to tango, Cena delivered in spades. The result saw Cena stare at the lights for the three count, in doing so he made an iron cast new main eventer for Vince McMahon. The crowd reactions were the most passionate seen in WWE for years. The Cena vs Punk 2013 Raw match before Wrestlemania 29 was arguably even better. Much like Cena vs Edge was, Cena vs Punk is one of the very best feuds WWE has in their roster of full timers.
WWE Writer

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