John Cena: 5 Awesome Matches And 5 That Sucked

1. John Cena Vs Shawn Michaels, None Title Match - (WWE Raw 2007) The best free to air television match in WWE history, John Cena vs Shawn Michaels from London, England was close to one hour of perfection. Not only one of Cena's best ever matches, this was also one of Michaels greatest ever. That really is saying something. Cena's detractors should really check this bout out. When you wrestle one on one for nearly an hour, there is no hiding. You are either going to sink or swim. Cena rose to the occasion with admirable concentration, working his moves, near falls and comebacks with confidence. He wasn't fazed as he gave the legend of Michaels everything that he had. The crowd loved it, and this old school action elevated both men into wrestler of the year contenders for 2007. Michaels won the epic contest, but Cena can be viewed as the real winner. Everyone already knew HBK was a great, this bout confirmed that Cena too was at the main event level he laid claim to. The Wrestlemania 23 match the pair contested earlier in 2007 was good, but this tv match really was an all time great. An hour of the best WWE viewing you will ever have.
WWE Writer

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