John Cena’s 10 Failures As WWE's Franchise Star

2. €˜Let€™s Go Cena! Cena Sucks!€™

This chant has followed Cena from arena to arena, Raw to Raw and WrestleMania to WrestleMania €“ despite his very long stay at the top of the business and his never ending run as the face of the company, never has there been a wrestler who has split fan opinion quite like this before. It started out as a few disgruntled fans cheering for Chris Jericho at SummerSlam 2005 because rumours of his departure pulled on the nostalgic heartstrings of fans, now it is simply a form of protest against the man and the company that continues to shove him down the fans€™ throats. Now it is impossible to watch a John Cena match without the high-pitched support of his kid fanbase screaming €˜Let€™s go Cena!€™, countered by the angry, disgruntled cries of the men in the arena bellowing €˜Cena sucks!€™. WWE even released a €˜Let€™s go Cena! Cena Sucks!€™ t-shirt for crying out loud. It€™s frustrating that Cena just brushes off these chants with a nonchalant €˜fans will be fans€™ attitude rather than looking deep down and wonder what the problem is and why they continue to reject him, because until he decides to make a change these chants will continue to haunt him wherever he goes. This writer, for one, is very curious to see just how the fans react to John Cena when he is inevitably inducted into the WWE€™s Hall of Fame €“ will there still be boos and division among them? Or will they finally respect the man for all his accomplishments, good and bad?
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John Cena
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An aspiring filmmaker, writer, traveller, and avid comic book fan, with an undying passion for calligraphy and chopping boards shaped like fruit. Genuinely enjoys receiving your hate mail.