John Cena's 10 Most Shocking WWE Defeats

2. Vs. Sheamus - Tables, Ladders And Chairs 2009

In late 2009, John Cena had just come off from a five month long rivalry with Randy Orton, surviving with the WWE Title throughout Hell in a Cell, I Quit and Iron Man matches. Sheamus on the other hand, a relative unknown at the time, had just been recently drafted from ECW to Raw and was hungry to prove himself. After winning a battle royal to become number one contender for the WWE title to many's surprise, he went on to face Cena in a Tables match for the title at TLC. After such a gruelling feud with Orton, everyone dismissed this match as a simple palette-cleanser before Cena would be launched into his next title programme for WrestleMania. However, during the match, after a top-rope-tussle which didn€™t go in Cena€™s favour, he crashed straight through a table in the middle of the ring. Following a few seconds of confusion, Sheamus was announced as the new WWE Champion and his music began playing. For a wrestler to win the world title after just a few weeks on the main roster, despite the circumstances, was completely unheard of, especially against the face of the company. This however, still wouldn€™t be Cena€™s most shocking title defeat..

Long time, die hard WWE fanatic. Unapologetic Brock Lesnar fanboy.