John Cena's 10 Most Shocking WWE Defeats

4. Vs. Edge - New Year's Revolution 2006

John Cena€™s very first WWE title reign in 2005 was long. So long in fact, that by January the following the year, the fans had revolted entirely against him, audibly booing him at every show and actively cheering all those he faced, heel or not. The Elimination Chamber match at New Year€™s Revolution was no exception, with the entire crowd relentlessly booing Cena throughout the entire match, going into overdrive when Cena inevitably won the match with an underwhelming roll up on Carlito. Then it happened. Directly after the match, Edge would cash in the first ever Money In The Bank contract won the year before and stole the title from Cena after two consecutive Spears. This strategy has been replicated a dozen times since, but none have captured the sheer shock and unpredictability factor that Edge successfully pulled off ten years ago.

Long time, die hard WWE fanatic. Unapologetic Brock Lesnar fanboy.