Kane: 5 Awesome Matches And 5 That Sucked

And 5 That Sucked...

5. Kane vs John Cena - Elimination Chamber 2012

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rOt9zcxAyI At the time of Elimination Chamber 2012, there had only been one previous ambulance match at Survivor Series 2003. The ironic part was that Kane was also involved in this one, when he faced Shane McMahon. The difference between this match and the one with Shane is night and day. The Survivor Series match is harsh and violent. The two of them worked stiff, and it felt extremely real and intense. Not so much here. The match between John Cena and Kane at Elimination Chamber is a slow and lumbering match that never quite gets any momentum. Any tension it may have had is snuffed in minutes, as it doesn't really live up to the savage images that the name conjures up. Matches like this are built on brutality and extreme violence, something this match has none of. Aside from a unique table spot, it's a little too nice for an ambulance match. It's also appropriate to say that the story going into the match was a little silly, as well. Cena had been teasing a heel turn, not unlike his current program with Bray Wyatt, where Kane was tempting him to "embrace the hate". It was an absurd storyline, mixing in shenanigans with Zack Ryder and Eve Torres. The WWE may have felt like they were producing top-quality drama, but the reality is that they were embracing the stupidity.

Writer, game developer, intersectional feminist.