Kane: 5 Awesome Matches And 5 That Sucked

3. Kane And The Undertaker vs DDP And Kanyon - SummerSlam 2001

http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x4jig6_brothers-of-destruction-vs-ddp-kany_sport When Diamond Dallas Page came to the WWE, he was revealed to have been the sicko who was stalking the Undertaker's wife Sara. DDP was a former WCW World Heavyweight Champion, and one of the most popular baby faces they had. He was red hot, and worked with legends such as Sting and Hogan. So when you bring DDP into the WWE, your first thought might be to put him against someone he can work well with and take advantage of his momentum, right? Well, the Undertaker does seem like a quality opponent for DDP, doesn't he? Maybe in the hands of an intelligent writer, yes. But DDP was brought in as a stalker. That's correct. The master of the Diamond Cutter, one of the hottest baby faces in wrestling, was a stalker. It was a terrible waste of his charismatic, flashy character and turned him into a cardboard cut-out villain. Having teamed up with the late Chris Kanyon, the MVP of the Alliance, it was a steel cage match for the unified tag team titles against Kane and the Undertaker. Much like some of the other matches on this list, Kane is simply the loyal company guy who is too nice to say no to a dumb idea. The match is a hot mess, and one of the most clumsy bouts ever put together. It's awkward and incredibly boring, which says a lot when you have four talented guys in the ring. On their own, all four of these men are capable of producing in the ring. They may not have all been on the same level of stardom, but it's hard to argue that under the right circumstances, a tag match between these two teams could have been fantastic. As is stands, it's a stain on an overall solid show.

Writer, game developer, intersectional feminist.