Kane At 20: The Big Red Machine's 20 Lamest WWE Moments

9. Facing 'Taker At WrestleMania XX

Kane Lita wedding

We ought to be thankful for Kane's 2004 feud with his brother, without which The Undertaker wouldn't have been able to reemerge in his original 'Deadman' guise after a couple of years as 'Big Evil'.

Despite its two competitors being intimately familiar with one another however, the match itself was severely underwhelming (which is a probably a price you pay when you take someone off television for four months for their reboot).

What's more, Kane was made to look like a fool in the build-up, becoming irrationally frightened in the face of evidence that 'Taker was alive, despite the fact that he of all people would have been aware of the guy's penchant for rising from his grave to exact revenge on those who put him there.

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