Kane At 20: The Big Red Machine's 20 Lamest WWE Moments

10. Embrace The Hate

Kane Lita wedding

John Cena needed something to fill his time ahead of his WrestleMania XXVIII match with The Rock during the early part of 2012, and Kane - true to form - was happy to play the role of jobber.

The feud had the whiff of something tedious and nonsensical from the outset, and fans were certainly not disappointed. The 'Big Red Machine' basically just implored his opponent to turn his back on the WWE Universe and "embrace the hate" ahead of his date with 'The Great One' (ironic, given that he was about to form Team Hell No alongside Daniel Bryan).

But Cena wasn't interested (of course he wasn't), meaning all that was accomplished was a pair of forgettable matches and yet another stark reminder that Kane, now deep into his 40s, was fast becoming irrelevant.

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