KENTA To WWE: 7 Ways He Should Be Booked

4. Join The Authority to Target Daniel Bryan

Kenta Daniel Bryan During their runs in Ring of Honor, Daniel Bryan and KENTA crossed paths multiple times...most notably at Ring of Honor "Glory by Honor V" where Bryan went into battle with a seriously injured shoulder. During the contest for the Ring of Honor World Championship, KENTA targeted the arm of Bryan severely and dictated the pace of the match. They also clashed in Pro Wrestling NOAH in Japan on multiple occasions from 2005 - 2008. If The Authority is still having trouble with Bryan in the next 6-12 months, they can always "bring someone in from Bryan's past" and this could be the mysterious KENTA. There is no doubt that these two could truly "WOW" the WWE Universe with their style of wrestling action. Give them the stage and watch them flourish. This would also give Stephanie McMahon & Triple H the ability to work closely with KENTA and serve as his mouthpiece.

Hailing from the Jersey Shore, Jay brings a lifetime of pro wrestling knowledge and writing experience to WhatCulture! As the owner of Pro Wrestling Powerhouse, Jay has had the opportunity to interview the likes of Lex Luger, Jake Roberts, Diamond Dallas Page, Superstar Billy Graham, Maria Kanellis and many others.