KENTA To WWE: 7 Ways He Should Be Booked

3. The First Japanese WWE World Heavyweight Champion

Kenta 2345t This one definitely won't happen upon arrival, but thing about the ramifications if WWE decided to put the WWE World Heavyweight Championship on the Japanese born KENTA? It could be huge for them internationally. We are all fully aware that WWE loves the term "first ever" & this could be one of those moments that completely shocks the wrestling world. To the people who don't believe this could be an option: watch some KENTA matches. Go back and see him tangle with the likes of Davey Richards, Austin Aries, Tyler Black and others in Ring of Honor and then give me your opinion. He's got the workrate, move-set and charisma to make something like this a reality. This could be a fantastic way to book him in the future.

Hailing from the Jersey Shore, Jay brings a lifetime of pro wrestling knowledge and writing experience to WhatCulture! As the owner of Pro Wrestling Powerhouse, Jay has had the opportunity to interview the likes of Lex Luger, Jake Roberts, Diamond Dallas Page, Superstar Billy Graham, Maria Kanellis and many others.