Lucha Underground's Ultima Lucha (July 29): Results And Reactions

2. Promo Segments

Segment #1:  To start the show, Dario Cueto -- in a fantastic tux -- visits Black Lotus in her prison cell. In the background you can hear Matanza breathing, as he is right next to Lotus' cell. Cueto explains to Rose that El Dragon Azteca -- her mentor -- was responsible for her parent's death, not Matanza. Cueto leaves Black Lotus to punch the wall 20 or 30 times.

Reaction: One of the longer stories on Lucha Underground, maybe next week we will finally find out what happened to her family, and if Cueto is telling the truth.

Segment #2: To end the show, we see El Dragon Azteca walking down an ally way, a quick fight breaks out between him and a white-hooded figure. Dragon Azteca wants to save Black Lotus, but the man says he will tell Prince Puma about the situation. Dragon refuses Puma's help again and wants to handle it himself, even if it means death. The figure moves aside to let him in, the door closes on it's own, the figure disappears, and the lights go out.

Reaction: Have a sneaky feeling El Dragon Azteca might not make it out of that building next week. Aside from the upcoming matches, a great story is being told in the background. Tons of questions, hopefully they will be answered next week (August 5, 2015) on the season finale of Lucha Underground.


Josh's work has been seen on Cageside Seats, Yahoo, and The Richest. If it's not pro wrestling, he's definitely thinking about cured meats and/or sushi, but never all three at the same time...that can get weird. Twitter: @HeelDoors