MAJOR Wrestling Stars Who Jumped Ship (...And FLOPPED!)

5. DDP (WCW > WWF)


When: 2001

Why He Flopped: Some might regard this one as cheating, because WCW was dead by the time Diamond Dallas Page signed on the dotted line with the WWF. The kicker? Page agreed to a cut price buyout of his AOL/Time Warner deal, and backed himself to succeed in the only major company left.

That proved to be a mistake.

DDP technically did jump ship before he had to, but wasn't allowed the chance to play up to his wildly successful 'People's Champ' persona post-WCW. That idea belonged to The Rock, and there wasn't room for two workers doing the same sort of thing. Instead, the WWF turned Page into a creepy stalker who followed The Undertaker's wife.

Yeah. Remember that, "...proved to be a mistake" line?

Creative eventually ended that hell for DDP and went mediocre babyface by booking him as a motivational smiler. Nothing on the WWF/WWE side could touch to Page's remarkable rise up the ranks in Atlanta. Not even close.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.