MAJOR Wrestling Stars Who Jumped Ship (...And FLOPPED!)

4. Sting (TNA > WWE)


When: 2014

Why He Flopped: It was WWE's fault. End of story.

OK, not really end of story, but that one sentence sums things up. Sting was introduced as an antidote to The Authority's tyrannical reign of power at Survivor Series 2014, then battled Triple H in a marquee bout at WrestleMania 31...and lost. Yep, this "antidote" to Trips' heel faction stared at the lights.

Look, everyone has their individual opinions on certain wins and losses, but most agree this was a terrible decision. Later in 2015, the Stinger also lost to Seth Rollins at Night Of Champions. He was injured during that match and temporarily retired from the ring before turning up in AEW years later.

The icon's WWE run was a mess and a waste of everybody's time.

Sting was the 'one that got away' post-WCW closure in 2001, so you'd think WWE would use him properly when they finally got mitts on the guy. Nope. No elusive Undertaker dream match, and exactly zero pay-per-view wins. Fabulous.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.