Maki Itoh - 5 Quick Facts About The Fired Idol

2. Her Twitter Game is On Point

Having shot to fame as a result of Twitter, it figures that Maki Itoh knows how to use the social media platform to her advantage.

Social media plays an increasingly large role in a wrestler's popularity with the fanbase (consider the difference in reputation between the Twitter-savvy Becky Lynch and her husband-to-be), and Maki's twitter account is one of the most entertaining in the business.

Introducing herself to AEW with a cheerful "HELLO MOTHERF*CKERS!", Maki followed up by promising to break Hikaru Shida's nose as a favour to Britt Baker and responding to Eddie Kingston's praise of her character with "SIMP".

However, the best of her AEW-related tweets has to be the one seen above. For context, Maki Itoh tweeted that she was "THE GOD OF LOVE AND PISS". This enraged AEW's no.1 mega-fan Jim Cornette, who accused her of being nothing more than a fetish and that in AEW she'd be a "deity of s**t". True to form, Itoh owned Cornette's insult and threw it back at him as only she could.

From turning her firing from LinQ into an angle to shooting straight back at a wrestling legend, one thing is clear - Maki Itoh doesn't take s**t from anybody.

Speaking of which...

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Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.