Mr. Fuji: His 8 Most Legendary Ribs
Fuji's Vices.

Harry 'Mr. Fuji' Fujiwara died this past week at the age of 82. Fuji was known in the industry as an accomplished grappler and latterly a main-eventing manager. But he is mostly remembered by his wrestling cohort as one of the business' all-time greatest ribbers.
A practical joker of the highest order, Fuji had virtually no limits when it came to pulling japes on the boys. Needless to say, for better or worse, he guaranteed that life on the road was never boring.
For his victims, it generally wasn't pleasant either. Although Fuji claimed he would never pull a trick that would actually harm anybody, such a claim is somewhat challenged by the following eight stories. At least two of them are cruel, and one of them is downright disgusting.
So read on, as we celebrate the life of one of the industry's most colourful - and cunning - characters.
8. Around The State In 8 Hours

We've all cursed our SatNavs for sending us down dodgy alleys, through impassable one-way streets, and generally - quite literally, in some cases - around the houses. But for all their many idiosyncratic foibles, they've made driving considerably less stressful. After all, there was a time in the not-too distant past when we had to rely on something far less reliable for navigation: people's brains.
If you can't trust a computer to get you to the right place without error, you damn sure can't trust a friend. Especially when that 'friend' is Mr. Fuji.
With a seemingly long drive ahead of them for a show in Hartford, CT, Fuji told his grateful tag partner Saito that provided he drove them to the show, he would take the wheel and allow his buddy to relax on the way back. Fuji also promised to lead Saito the way, knowing the Japanese wrestler was unfamiliar with the locale.
Fuji's first advice was to set off early. Very early. After eight hours of tortuous twists and turns across America's highways, the pair finally reached the show. At the night of the night, as promised, Fuji became chauffeur for the exhausting drive home, to the great relief of Saito.
But within twenty minutes, they were home.
Correct: Fuji put himself through a day long road trip just to rib his partner. Devious indeed.