NWO Twenty Years Later: Where Are They Now?

34. Scott Steiner

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Scott Steiner was a scary individual in the ring during his prime years. He is no less terrifying today.

The way the younger Steiner brother would brutally manhandle enhancement talent during the '90s was stomach-churning yet nevertheless captivating. But he wasn't just about savage beatings; Scott had genuine wrestling pedigree to complement his in-ring barbarity.

Steiner was always more comfortable working in Georgia, where his talents were seemingly more appreciated and his place on the card greatly elevated. Tagging with brother Rick, The Steiners provided the stiffest competition for The Outsiders after the nWo's formation, feuding with the interlopers for nigh-on two years.

A tiresomely inevitable turn was just around the corner however, and sure enough Steiner betrayed his brother for the lure of Hogan's posse in February 1998. Membership to the nWo club seemed to bring with it exclusive access to, er, the good life for Steiner, as his muscle mass increased significantly in the months following his defection.

Steiner's physique reached scary proportions, as the man eventually took to wearing chainmail on his head because he didn't look ridiculous enough already.

Now in his fifties, Steiner is just as big as he ever was. Whereas he was once regarded as a dangerous madman in the ring, a series of controversies means he is now considered genuinely barmy out of it.

Along with waging very public spats with a host of ex-colleagues, Steiner most notably hit the headlines in 2015 when he was banned from WWE's Hall of Fame ceremony after allegedly accosting Hulk Hogan's wife at San Jose airport. In an agitated froth, Steiner was said to have threatened to kill Hogan. Don't worry: he didn't.

Today, Steiner is a vehement and regular critic of WWE's product, knowing full well a call from the company isn't forthcoming anytime soon after a series of overt remarks pertaining to potential steroid abuse by honcho Triple H.

Does Steiner deserve to be in WWE's (admittedly, generally farcical) Hall of Fame? Almost certainly. Will it ever happen? Absolutely not.*

*unless it does.

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Editorial Team

Benjamin was born in 1987, and is still not dead. He variously enjoys classical music, old-school adventure games (they're not dead), and walks on the beach (albeit short - asthma, you know). He's currently trying to compile a comprehensive history of video game music, yet denies accusations that he purposefully targets niche audiences. He's often wrong about these things.