NWO, WCW And When Too Suhweet Became Sour

It Became Cool

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0keslql2jWk The nWo were supposedly heels- working to tear down the establishment of WCW. However, the more that many fans saw of the nWo, the more they liked them. WCW looked far too much boring like a family-orientated programming for many young wrestling fans who wanted their wrestling to be more rebellious and cool. The nWo catered to these fans and made the idea of heels seem cool as they didn't just try and win titles- but in fact wanted to tear down the whole boring environment of WCW, and the rules that governed it. While traditional wrestling fans may have been horrified by some of the tactics that the nWo were using, the nWo was creating controversy that in turn created attention to a demographic that seen wrestling as becoming tired and Disneyfied under the guise of Hogan and the like. It is ironic that after all the time that the family orientated WWE spent trying to cultivate some attention in the mainstream media with its squeaky clean image, that it was the too-cool-for-school nWo that allowed wrestling to really become pop culture news. So with all this going for them, why is the nWo thought of now with such mixed memories?

Gamer, Pop Culture consumer and WWE watcher, Vectron44 has been described as a prophet of truth, a pain in the proverbial and everything in between. Approach with caution lest you get sucked into his world of geek.