NXT TakeOver - The End: Every Match Ranked From Worst To Best

Nakamura steals the show (again).

finn balor samoa joe

NXT TakeOver: The End may not have been one of the better or more memorable TakeOver shows to date (in part because Full Sail lacks the atmosphere of some of the recent, bigger venues), but it was still another rock solid effort that proves how consistently the brand puts the WWE's own shows to shame.

There wasn't much in the way of surprises (bar one result), but thankfully not a single stinker among the bunch, and on the whole the matches were of the solid-to-good variety, with one barely-great show-stealer.

More than the matches themselves, the show left plenty of fans wondering whether certain talents would be called up to the WWE's main roster off the back of these results. After all, the rather mysterious "The End" title has to mean something more than Triple H's half-a**ed explanation (that it was the end of NXT as a developmental brand), right?

Here is every match from NXT TakeOver: The End ranked from worst to best...

5. Andrade "Cien" Almas Vs. Tye Dillinger

finn balor samoa joe

Result: Cien lands a running knee in the corner for the win (5:22).

Rating: Expectations weren't exactly high for this one from the outset after Cien came out to the ring looking like a cross between Savio Vega and a stripper, but it's hard to ignore the guy's international plaudits.

Thankfully, he was wearing better ring attire underneath his breakaway pants...and gave a rock solid ring performance to boot. The two had strong chemistry throughout and made for an exciting, fast-paced opener, which is exactly what any wrestling show needs.

Ultimately it was too short and basically a slightly more interesting squash match than we're usually used to, but a decent enough showcase for Cien nonetheless. Plus, despite being fed to him, Dillinger was super over with the crowd and put up a solid fight. 6/10


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.