NXT TakeOver Toronto: 10 Awesome Moments

8. Tye Dillinger's Homage To Bret Hart

Bobby Roode

Of course, WWE couldn't stop themselves from referencing the 'Montreal Screwjob' one more time at NXT TakeOver: Toronto. There's every chance this will continue into Survivor Series, expect any given wrestler to be 'screwed' out of his/her spot in one of the traditional elimination matches on the pay-per-view.

Here, the reference to Bret Hart's misfortune was a little more tasteful. Innocently, Tye Dillinger locked on a Sharpshooter to Bobby Roode in the middle of the ring. Some would have maybe missed the idea entirely had Corey Graves not mentioned it several times on commentary. Likely instructed to do so by his superiors, WWE clearly wanted Corey to tie the move to the 1997 Survivor Series.

Even though Roode would escape and go on to the win the match with a fine-looking DDT, Dillinger's Sharpshooter popped the Canadian crowd in a big way. That submission hold is always going to be over in the country, it came at the perfect moment in TakeOver's opening clash.

Mercifully, Dillinger's Sharpshooter eventually felt like more of a tribute to Hart than anything else.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.