NXT TakeOver Toronto: 10 Awesome Moments

7. Paul Ellering Gets Locked In The Shark Cage

Bobby Roode

One of the absolute best aspects of NXT as a whole is that old-school flavour the brand employs. For example, when was the last time the old 'manager in a cage' gimmick was used on the main roster? At the very least, it's been years. For Paul Ellering, it's also nothing new.

This is an idea the long-standing mouthpiece has used before in his career. At TakeOver, the story was that Ellering had continually poked his nose into business between The Authors Of Pain and TM-61. As a match between both teams would decide the Dusty Rhodes Tag-Team Classic, Ellering had to be taken out of the equation.

Coolly handled and rocking a nostalgic vibe, the shark cage schtick worked a treat in Toronto. Ellering was still able to influence the result of the match by dropping a steel chain from his lofty perch, allowing Akam and Rezar to pick up the win over Nick Miller and Shane Thorne.

Give us more of this old-school stuff please, WWE. It's a great fit for NXT.


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