One Iconic Moment For Every Year Of The Undertaker's WWE Career

27. 1994 - The Birth Of "The Deadman"

The Undertaker Stephanie McMahon
WWE Network

At the 1994 Royal Rumble, 'Taker was hot on the heels of Yoko and his WWF Championship.

He was taking on the big man in a bout that was very appropriate for The Deadman - a Casket Match.

'Taker looked to have it in the bag. That was until nine people interfered in the match.

Yoko got help from the likes Diesel, Crush, Jeff Jarrett, and Adam Bomb, and together they managed to overcome Undertaker and lock him inside the coffin.

Whilst he didn't win the WWF title that night, Undertaker did set in motion events that would change his career forever.

As the casket was being wheeled up the ramp, the lights in the arena went out. Undertaker then appeared on the big screen, seemingly from inside the casket.

He proclaimed that he would soon be "reborn" and that he would not "rest in peace."

Then, the casket on screen exploded and, in the arena, a man resembling 'Taker was seen levitating into the air, seemingly up to the next life.

Whilst all of this is pretty silly by today's standards, in 1994 it was a true spectacle. Plus, it led to Undertaker's return later that year which sparked the first era of "The Deadman".


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.