One Iconic Moment For Every Year Of The Undertaker's WWE Career

26. 1995 - The Phenom Of The Opera

The Undertaker Stephanie McMahon

1995 was a bad year for everyone.

In the WWF, everything was going down; ratings, house show attendance, quality of wrestling. The only thing that was increasing was Vince McMahon's blood pressure.

'95 wasn't an amazing year for The Undertaker either, though that was hardly his fault. With few credible opponents left, The Deadman ended up in feuds with the likes of King Kong Bundy, Kama, and a young man named Mabel.

During a match with 'Taker, Mabel - a notorious botcher - clubbed the side of his head with a mis-hit clothesline. The rogue shot crushed 'Taker's eye socket almost causing him to go blind.

After taking time off to recover from this horrific injury, 'Taker made his comeback at that year's Survivor Series.

Since his injury still needed time to heal, 'Taker now wore a grey, Phantom of the Opera style mask during his matches. It looked super cool and only added further mystique to The Deadman's character.

Although the mask was short-lived, it's a gimmick that is still treasured by dedicated 'Taker fans and the story behind the headwear is probably more interesting than 97% of anything else that happened in wrestling during 1995.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.