Owen - Hart Of Gold DVD Review: 14 Things You Should Know

12. The Blue Blazer

The section on Owen€™s debut in the WWF as The Blue Blazer is where this documentary really starts to get fascinating. There€™s a level of depth and detail here that is all too often brushed past on other sets.

Bret recalls that €œIt was my idea to talk to Vince about bringing Owen in€. The Hitman talks about an idea he€™d had for a masked character had The Hart Foundation not worked out for him, but since it did, he wanted to pitch that idea for Owen.

In fantastic promo footage from 1988, Hart as The Blazer says in a pre tape €œThe Blue Blazer, he's quick as a laser and sharp as a razor€.

The Blue Blazer was meant to be a gimmick aimed at kids with the idea of selling masks, action figures and other merchandise around the flashy character. Looking back, it€™s clear that the character had that potential, but Bret thinks Vince dropped the ball and didn€™t really do anything with the character.

Daniel Bryan (who is a great talking head) pops up at this point and says €œI'm a huge wrestling fan, so I saw Owen wrestle outside of WWE. He was amazing everywhere he went. I was disappointed with how they used Owen at first". Bryan can no doubt relate to being misused early in his WWE career.

This a very interesting section with many personalities, primarily Bret, discussing how Owen was being wasted as The Blue Blazer. Bret tells a story of him talking to Owen and told him he had to leave because Vince would be looking for new guys a year or two down the line, assuring him that he could go to Mexico and Japan and get his name back, which is exactly what he did.


Kenny is a successful podcast host with Inside The Ropes, promotes exciting Q&A events in the UK with the likes of Sting and DDP, has interviewed the big guns like Foley, Jericho, Bruno and Austin and enjoys cheese a great deal.