Predicting 10 Next WWE NXT Call-Ups To Main Roster

2. Baron Corbin

Baron Corbin may not be as polished as a handful of NXT talent, but he has something they don€™t: size. He€™s far bigger than any of the recent call-ups (besides Braun Strowman) over the past few years, and he€™s proven to be a capable in-ring performer. He€™s also a natural heel, and you can already picture him on the roster squashing the likes of Zack Ryder and Damien Sandow with the End of Days. Sorry guys. Vince isn€™t going to want to bring in Corbin to fill a small role. He€™s likely to have a plan laid out for him, a pet project of sorts. Think back to heels like Bray Wyatt and Alberto Del Rio who both got a big push out of the gate, that is a formula likely to be followed for Corbin. It wouldn€™t be a huge shocker to see him show up in the Royal Rumble and get a Rusev type spot where he throws out a few people to make an initial strong impression. Corbin still has some work to do on the mic and in the ring, so some extra time in NXT certainly wouldn€™t hurt. But WWE likely has big things in mind for Corbin, and they may come to fruition earlier than we think.
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Sami Zayn
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