Predicting 10 WrestleMania 31 Matches Six Months Out

1. WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match - Roman Reigns vs. John Cena

There is much speculation among wrestling fans regarding Brock Lesnar's current WWE World Heavyweight Championship reign and the possibility that Roman Reigns defeats the Beast Incarnate at WrestleMania 31 to not only capture the title but officially begin a new era in World Wrestling Entertainment. While the idea of Reigns downing the unstoppable force in the biggest match of the year is appealing, the actual match itself is not. The marquee match at any WrestleMania even should be one that fans know and can expect to deliver. There is a certain quality that comes along with being in the top spot at the Showcase of the Immortals and failing to deliver can stunt a Superstar's growth (Miz, I'm looking at you). The last thing WWE can afford at this point is a match where Reigns fails to live up to expectations while battling Lesnar, himself usually in need of a better wrestler to carry him. Enter John Cena. Cena is going to be WWE World Heavyweight champion again before WrestleMania. Stevie Wonder can see that much. And rightfully so. Cena is the franchise for a reason and, despite how fans may feel about him, Cena is one of the more consistent workers in the industry. He busts his ass to deliver quality matches when the spotlight is brightest and has a track record of going out of his way to really put over talent that he or management believes can one day unseat him at the top of the WWE mountain. Reigns is one such talent and there is not better choice to ensure that Reigns both gets put over as the next big thing in WWE AND has a WrestleMania-quality bout than by working Cena at the biggest show of the year. And WWE already knows that. Think all of those teases of a future match between Cena and Reigns throughout the summer were an accident? Think all of the interactions between them leading into Money in the Bank and Battleground were merely coincidence? Think again. That was the groundwork for the feud that will ultimately crown Reigns as the new face of WWE, courtesy of a win over the most unselfish marquee star in company history. Believe that, believe in John Cena and believe in Roman Reigns.

Erik Beaston is a freelance pro wrestling writer who likes long walks in the park, dandelions and has not quite figured out that this introduction is not for He resides in Parts Unknown, where he hosts weekly cookouts with Kane, The Ultimate Warrior, Papa Shango and The Boogeyman. Be jealous.