Predicting 10 WrestleMania 31 Matches Six Months Out

2. Daniel Bryan, Dean Ambrose & Batista vs. Triple H, Randy Orton & Seth Rollins

WWE is so jam-packed with talent at this point that finding something adequate for everyone involved is difficult. Thank God, then, for a feud that involves so many moving parts that it can easily have a six-man tag bout booked around it that many would consider WrestleMania-worthy. For well over a year, Daniel Bryan's issues with the Authority have been at the forefront of WWE television. Even after he suffered a neck injury and was forced from the ring to undergo surgery, Triple H and Stephanie McMahon took pot shots and even stripped him of the WWE World Heavyweight Championship he worked so hard to capture. Even Stephanie's feud with Brie Bella leading into SummerSlam was the product of the Billion Dollar Baroness' unwillingness to sit back and watch as the "troll-faced, B+ player" held the top prize in the company her father had built. Thus, when the leader of the Yes Movement finally does make his return to the ring, which should be sometime before WrestleMania 31, he will need to definitively wrap up his war against The Authority before moving onto anything else. Dean Ambrose's feud with Seth Rollins has made for some outstanding television and the fact that WWE Creative has kept them apart and never really given fans what they wanted to see in the form of Ambrose finally downing Rollins has only kept the story hot. As long as WWE continues to put that story off, as long as they can continue to build on the considerable momentum that Ambrose has right now, they will always have a major blowoff to one of the company's most interesting rivalries resting peacefully in their back pocket. With WrestleMania six months away, it is highly unlikely that the writing staff and Vince McMahon himself can resist the urge to book the definitive match between the two before the big show but if they could, that rivalry could play into what would be a huge match on the biggest card of the year. Finally there is Batista, who quit Evolution and left WWE following the Payback pay-per-view last June. Since then, he has gained tremendous mainstream recognition for his role in Marvel's The Guardians of the Galaxy, in which he plays straight-forward assassin Drax the Destroyer. With his new-found fame, not to mention WWE's placement of Batista in marketing materials for WrestleMania, it is no wonder that the company would want to feature The Animal in a high-profile bout. Having him return to face off against two of the Evolution teammates he walked out on, while simultaneously teaming with two of the company's most popular young stars, would do wonders to boost his standing with the fans. Perhaps the storyline surrounding the match even involves The Authority's stranglehold on power in WWE. Maybe the boss, Mr. McMahon, even finds himself involved...

Erik Beaston is a freelance pro wrestling writer who likes long walks in the park, dandelions and has not quite figured out that this introduction is not for He resides in Parts Unknown, where he hosts weekly cookouts with Kane, The Ultimate Warrior, Papa Shango and The Boogeyman. Be jealous.