Predicting 5 WWE Talents Whose Stock Will Go Up After WrestleMania 38 (And 5 Whose Will Go Down)

2. DOWN - Kevin Owens

Sami Zayn

Oh God, we hope we're wrong about this one.

Kevin Owens has had a torrid few years in WWE, and that's not just our opinion. When guessing his WWE 2K22 rating over on IGN Owens gave himself "a solid 60", citing his lack of success in the WWE in recent years. And while 60 may have been a bit harsh (his actual rating is 85), we can see his point.

Before his feud with Austin started, Owens had spent much of the last year acting as glorified enhancement talent. He was always in the mix in the title scene, but only as a body to put the WWE champions over. Even signing a brand new contract wasn't enough to convince the company to put the belt - any belt - on him.

Owens confrontation with Austin at WrestleMania should be hellaciously entertaining (as the Rattlesnake himself would put it), and Owens has gone above and beyond in building the feud. But given Owens' history, we can't help but fear that the glass ceiling will loom ever large above his head, and that this is as high as he will ever climb in the WWE.


Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.