Predicting The Future Of Every Released WWE Wrestler

2. Mustafa Ali

Dolph Ziggler AEW

Promotion: AEW/New Japan

Why There: Mustafa Ali could write the book on how WWE's creative team failed to get the best of him onto telly. Incredibly talented between the ropes and a better-than-expected promo on the mic, Ali once seemed to have the world at his feet before injuries wrecked that momentum and he got frustrated (so much so that he actually requested his release in 2021).

Time for some good news: Mustafa has some top years ahead of him.

He's already a step above many on AEW's roster in terms of presenting an overall package. Of course, where he goes next depends on what Ali wishes to achieve post-WWE. He might well fancy showcasing himself in New Japan before giving TK a call.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.