Predicting The Future Of Every Released WWE Wrestler

3. Elias

Dolph Ziggler AEW

Promotion: WWE

Why There: Who knows what'll become of Ezekiel now his brother has been released? Sorry, couldn't resist. The best jokes write themselves! Seriously though, it's rather upsetting to think that WWE no longer stands for "Walk With Elias", and that creative never seemed capable of taking Eli to that next level.

Maybe next time.

Yep, Elias is another who's predicted to sit out of pro wrestling for a while then return down the road. Filling one of the surprise entrant slots in January's Royal Rumble match, for example, sounds just about right for everyone's favourite Bruce Springsteen with muscles.

It'd be good for a comedy spot, if nothing else.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.