Predicting The Next 10 Alignment Changes In WWE

8. Xia Li

What on Earth is going on with Xia Li?

Six months after debuting as "The Protector", Li's main roster career looks to be floundering. Xia's latest in-ring showing saw her handily dispatched by Lacey Evans in a short-and-sour match that did nothing for either competitor, and it looks likely that Li will be bundled alongside Nikki A.S.H. in the WWE's "Failed Experiments" storage locker.

And much like Nikki, a heel turn looks to be coming Xia Li's way. She's already said that no-one on Smackdown is "worth protecting", and her pre-match promo against Lacey Evans was weirdly cocky for a babyface, especially considering how easily she went on to lose.

Furthermore, she sent an intriguing tweet at the beginning of the month which contained a video that ended in a reference to Li's old stable, Tian Sha. It would definitely be intriguing to see the sinister, supernatural sect make an appearance on the main roster, especially as their once-demonic leader is now playing a pajama-wearing Orange Cassidy knockoff back in NXT.

Frankly, we're hoping Tian Sha return just to see how WWE write themselves out of that particular corner.

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Becky Lynch
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Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.