Predicting The Next 10 WWE PPV Main Events

4. Extreme Rules: Roman Reigns vs. Dean Ambrose vs. Seth Rollins In A Wrestlemania Rematch For The WWE World Heavyweight Championship

It€™s traditional for the pay-per-view after Wrestlemania to have at least one Wrestlemania rematch booked on the card, so why not re-run the title match? If it were me, I€™d have, Triple H and Stephanie tell Rollins that he€™s disappointed them: that he should have let Sheamus cash in and take out Reigns so that he could pin Ambrose himself. Triple H wonders out loud if Rollins really has what it takes to be the face of the company, and the following week the rematch is made: all three men will face each other once again at Extreme Rules in a Street Fight for the title. In the weeks to follow, Rollins is repeatedly told not to interfere if Sheamus cashs in on the night, repeatedly berated for his lack of killer instinct. Extreme Rules arrives, and in a brutal, weapons-filled match, all three men are down when Sheamus, true to his word, tries to cash in again. As he does the usual ridiculous pantomime with the referee, gesticulating wildly at the case and at the bell. The referee calls for a Fatal Fourway, Lillian announces it€ and the Shield stand up silently behind Sheamus, reunited. It€™s triple powerbomb time, and standing over his prone body, Rollins makes his decision, gesturing to Reigns to pin the Celtic Warrior, thereby turning babyface again.

Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.