Predicting WWE’s WrestleMania 41 Cards - 1 Year Out

1. The Rock vs. Roman Reigns

WWE Wrestlemania 41 John Cena MJF

No-one will be stunned to see this top the list.

WWE almost shunted Cody Rhodes out of the way to make one dream match a reality at this year's WrestleMania, but fan backlash stopped Rock vs. Roman Reigns from being 40's main event. Not to worry, because it can always headline night one or night two next year. Rock is Roman's "Final Boss", don't forget.

Rocky has laid the foundations for a match or two vs. Cody elsewhere. It remains to be seen if 'The Great One' will pull the trigger on that before stepping back into the ring against Reigns, but he might have to. Shaking off the ring rust would be smart, 'cause there's a big difference between working a tag (like Rock did at 'Mania 40) and going the distance solo.

Further, who knows what version of Roman fans will see next? There are no guarantees he'll still be calling himself the 'Tribal Chief' or be backed by Paul Heyman and The Bloodline by the time April 2025 arrives. Still, no matter who's doing what, this is one bout WWE will view as a must.

What matches do you think could be on WWE's WrestleMania 41 card? For more like this, check out 10 Things Post-WrestleMania 40 Raw Told Us About WWE’s Future and 10 WWE Superstars Who Need To Get Their S*** Together Before WrestleMania 41

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