Predicting WWE's WrestleMania XL Cards 1 Year Out

4. Sami Zayn Vs. Kevin Owens

WWE WrestleMania XL 40 Roman Reigns The Rock

If DVD boxsets were still an ongoing concern for WWE, then one detailing the feud/friendship involving Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn would be 87 discs long. Another bout between the pair would play before jokes like, 'This is KO vs. Sami part 8,762', but that's fine.

There's no way they get out of this current Undisputed Tag-Team Title run without one turning on the other though. Well, they might drop the titles then turn, but it'll happen before 2023 is out. The smart money would be on Owens, because it always seems to be him who becomes the more aggressive of the two and plays heel.

Besides, Sami only just turned baby again a few months ago.

This could even be a Universal Title showing if Triple H convinces Vinnie Mac to split the World Titles again. Would it be outlandish to pitch that KO headlines a third consecutive WrestleMania, only this time against his oldest friend in the biz?


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.