Ranking All 20 February WWE Pay Per Views From Worst To Best

5. No Way Out 2006

Usually when looking at the criteria for great Pay Per Views, you€™d want to look at something that was top-to-bottom solid, with one or two great matches. Here we have the exception to the rule: a one-match show€but WHAT A MATCH. Kurt Angle vs. The Undertaker is hands down the WWE Match of the Year for 2006, and it really came out of nowhere. Everybody knew that Angle was all-world for a while, but Undertaker hadn€™t put forth an effort like that in years, and it started a new era for Taker where he was looked at as one of the better wrestlers in the company, and more than just a character. Elsewhere on the show, the Royal Rumble winner€™s Wrestlemania shot was yet again put on the line, and Rey Mysterio lost it to Randy Orton. The stipulation ended up being for naught, as Mysterio was put in the title match anyway a week later on Smackdown. Any greatness in the match quality was marred by the WWE€™s questionable decision to use Eddie Guerrero€™s death to further the angle by having Orton tell Rey that Eddie is in hell.

Justin has been writing about professional wrestling for more than 15 years. A lifelong WWE fan, he also is a big fan of Ring of Honor.