Ranking All 30 Of The Undertaker's WWE Years From Worst To Best

27. 2016

The Undertaker Brock Lesnar Battleground 2015

Involving The Undertaker in a power struggle between Vince and Shane McMahon may have been a great idea in 1999, but it didn't go down too well in 2016 - mainly because there was no way in hell of presenting Shane O'Mac as a credible threat to 'The Deadman' - and yet that's exactly what the-powers-that-be were forced to do when an injury left John Cena ('Taker's rumoured opponent) unable to compete at that year's WrestleMania.

The feud was actually rather compelling but the idea of locking these two non-enemies inside Hell In A Cell - the very structure which 'Taker had just recently battled his mortal enemy inside of - felt like nothing more than a cheap attempt to force a Shane stunt (which, of course, they did). On that note, the match was alright, but it would have been so much better if it hadn't gone on for 30 freakin' minutes.

A senselessly off-the-wall match for a senselessly off-the-wall program (in a senselessly off-the-wall year), this never felt like 'Taker's feud to begin with.

Aside from all that, he did make a cool one-off return on SmackDown later that year... so there's that.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.