Ranking All Braun Strowman’s WWE Stunts From Worst To Best

7. Putting Kane Through The Ring

We'd still rank Kane's exploits with Braun Strowman a little higher, mainly because they happened during what was supposed to be a regular match and were therefore totally unexpected.

On the 13 November Raw, Kane and Braun were scheduled to lock horns. The bell would never ring though and their match would never happen. WWE presented something way more exciting as a replacement: Strowman hit his finishing Running Power Slam through the bloody ring.

It's clear from watching the reactions of those in the front row that they didn't see this spot coming. How could they have? Braun had hit his Power Slam countless times before without shattering the canvas, and the ring giving way always gets one of those 'Ooooooooooh' responses from live crowds anyway.

The landing was surely cushioned by crash mats and other padding, but it made for an impressive sight to see two burly monsters disappear so suddenly. Credit to Michael Cole and Corey Graves (in particular) on commentary too for selling the moment with shock then silence.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.