Ranking All Braun Strowman’s WWE Stunts From Worst To Best

6. Pulling Down The Lighting Rig

Before Braun faced Brock Lesnar and Kane in a Triple Threat match at 2018's Royal Rumble, he decided to try and kill both rivals.

How else could pulling down Raw's lighting rig onto their prone bodies be explained? That's what Strowman did on 8 January, and it looked rather cool; the only thing holding things back were some comedic reactions from Paul Heyman and WWE staff, as well as the fact Kane miraculously walked away from the wreckage as Brock was taken to a "local medical facility".

Apparently, even though medics were already fawning over Lesnar and ensuring he got treatment, nobody gave a toss about Kane. Security workers just sorta' stood around with mouths agape as he stumbled away from the rigging. Despite WWE's best intentions to make Kane look super-human, this shouldn't have been shown.

It's always funny when Braun does something brutal then raises his hands high above his head and shouts his own name too.


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