Ranking All Braun Strowman’s WWE Stunts From Worst To Best

4. Demolishing A WWE Production Truck

Even the mighty John Cone must stand in awe of Kurt Angle's over-the-top facial expressions around Braun.

The week after pulling a lighting rig down on top of Brock Lesnar and Kane, Strowman was up to his old tricks again by flipping over a WWE production truck. Raw GM Angle had just fired him for his heinous actions, and so Braun decided to seek vengeance by destroying his employer's equipment. As you do.

Shortly after frightening the living crap out of innocent production staff (including one terrified woman who nonsensically yelled in fear when Braun threw paper at her) and battling a door frame too small for his giant size, Braun elected to detach the trailer and tip over the cab.

Meanwhile, Kurt sold the moment by looking like he'd seen a ghost and said he'd called the cops. What a snitch, no wonder he was canned as General Manager. In all seriousness, there did appear to be a hoist behind the cab helping Braun, which is why this one isn't higher on the list.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.