Ranking All Braun Strowman’s WWE Stunts From Worst To Best

5. Destroying The Ring With Big Show

WWE have presented this exact same spot three times now. The first was on a 2003 episode of SmackDown when Brock Lesnar superplexed Big Show into the centre of the ring and everyone went bananas as the thing gave way. Then, Mark Henry repeated the stunt with Show at Vengeance 2011 before the latest example in 2017.

It's up for debate which was the best, but the first obviously has originality on its side.

Over 14 million YouTube views and a ton of social media buzz vindicate WWE's decision to 'three-peat' the stunt with Braun Strowman and Show. It's impossible to see this bump happening without people whipping out their phones for a quick video or pic, and the entire aftermath has a classic 'holy sh*t' vibe to it that just works.

The way the ref lost his footing and fell out of the ring was also hilarious. God bless John Cone. Not only is he the father of an ex-Raw Tag Champ, he's also a keen practitioner of the oversell.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.