Ranking All Daniel Bryan's WWE WrestleMania Moments From Worst To Best
2. Vs. Randy Orton Vs. Batista (WrestleMania XXX)
What's this? Daniel Bryan capturing the WWE World Heavyweight Title at WrestleMania XXX isn't ranked as his best 'Mania moment ever?
Not quite, but we'll get to that. For now, it's important to recognise the journey Bryan took before being able to hold both those titles aloft and celebrate with an audience who had grown to love him. Stretching right back to SummerSlam 2013 (possibly even beforehand), the people were ready to embrace Daniel as their champion.
WWE, on the other hand, were not.
It took a long time before WWE accepted that Bryan must be elevated to title-winning status. His Triple Threat match against Randy Orton and Batista wasn't his best-ever WrestleMania match however. In fairness, it didn't need to be. All that mattered was seeing Bryan win and watching one of wrestling's most dynamic performers carve his name in the history books.