Ranking Big Show's WrestleMania Matches - From Worst To Best

1. The Biggest Vs. The Best: Big Show Vs. Floyd "Money" Mayweather - WrestleMania 24

The Undertaker may have battled Edge to close out WrestleMania 24 but make no mistake about it: the real main event of the show was Big Show vs. Floyd Mayweather in a match dubbed "The Biggest vs. The Best." Hyped like a real sporting contest, and featuring input from several boxing insiders in the weeks leading to the match, the show was built around the monumental clash between The World's Largest Athlete and the best boxer on the planet. Big Show was fantastic, carrying the action and wearing down Mayweather throughout the match. The boxing champion was equally as good, playing his role to perfection and generating a ton of heat for his arrogant and cocky demeanor. People wanted to see him squashed like a bug and at times, they got it. Unfortunately, a pair of brass knuckles came into play as Mayweather used them to negate the size of his opponent and beat him. It was a nice callback to WrestleMania, where John Cena had to resort to the same weapon to fell the giant. Too often over the eight years that have followed the event, Mayweather has been credited for the success of the match. In reality, it was Big Show's veteran expertise and experience that helped the match become the satisfying conclusion to all the hype and publicity that it ultimately was.

Erik Beaston is a freelance pro wrestling writer who likes long walks in the park, dandelions and has not quite figured out that this introduction is not for Match.com. He resides in Parts Unknown, where he hosts weekly cookouts with Kane, The Ultimate Warrior, Papa Shango and The Boogeyman. Be jealous.