Ranking Every 2019 WWE Draft Pick So Far From Worst To Best

8. Ricochet

Ricochet Raw

Draft Position: #5 to Raw. #8 overall.

The exciting one-man thrill ride that is Ricochet may never be a promo artiste, but he doesn't exactly need to be either. By staying on Raw, he's almost guaranteed some lengthy matches that'll help pad out the three-hour broadcast every week. That plays to his strengths rather than having to work shorter ones on SmackDown.

It wouldn't be surprising to learn that Paul Heyman campaigned to keep him on Mondays.

Fans old and new wouldn't mind 15-20 minute bouts involving Ricochet every week. He can work classics in his sleep, and has a real chance of becoming something special on a smaller, less expansive roster. Regular screen time will make him a Raw star.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.