Ranking Every Chris Jericho WWE Return
The Comeback King.

Chris Jericho is a man with many strings to his bow. He's got a list, he's got a band, he loves scarves, and he's one of the best wrestlers of the last 25 years.
And a 25-year wrestling career, interspersed with regular Fozzy tours and the odd injury, means a lot of returns. In fact, over the years, Jericho has practically become the benchmark for WWE returns, against which all past and subsequent comebacks must bear the burden of comparison.
Sometimes his returns are preceded by weeks of cryptic messages, and other times he just walks out on Raw without any prior warning.
Sometimes he's ready to entertain the masses, and other times he prefers to troll them by saying absolutely nothing.
Sometimes he's wearing a jacket with strewn with Christmas lights and oth- actually, no, he's always wearing a jacket strewn with Christmas lights.
But the point is: each of his returns are subtly different, and like his ever-evolving on-screen character, you never really know what he's going to do next.
At 46, you also never know which comeback will be his last - and it's time we started appreciating the man before it's too late.
9. 2013

WWE has to (at least pretend to) adhere to its own internal logic, so when AJ Lee said that Jericho would be fired if he failed to beat Dolph Ziggler on an August 2012 edition of Monday Night Raw, he had to go.
Five months later, his exile was lifted and he was allowed to come back - which was handy - not just because he had just finished another Fozzy tour - but also because it was right on the eve of the 2013 Royal Rumble.
Sure enough, Jericho entered at number two - and, sure enough, waiting in the ring for him was Dolph Ziggler. A nice moment, although that's all it was: Jericho didn't win the Rumble, and ended up in a WrestleMania match with Fandango instead.