Ranking Every Current WWE Belt Design From Worst To Best

12. NXT North American Championship

WWE United States Title 2020

Introduced in 2018, the North American Championship has been positioned as NXT's secondary singles title, in line with the main-roster's Intercontinental Championship, and has proven to be an excellent stepping stone for those who don't quite fit into the top title picture yet. Sadly, this second tier championship has also been given a somewhat second rate design.

Something about this design doesn't quite sit right with this writer. Maybe it's because the red strap still gives me nervous flashbacks to the Universal Championship's reveal at SummerSlam 2016, or maybe it's the rather awkward centre plate, which has North America slapped on at an odd angle and squashed together.

Either way, while it has been held by some of NXT's all time best, the North American Championship fails to shine in the same way the designs of the main-roster secondary titles do.

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WWE US Title
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