Ranking Every Current WWE Belt Design From Worst To Best

13. NXT Tag Team Championships

WWE United States Title 2020

While their women's belts are excellent, WWE have continuously failed when it comes to designing their men's tag titles in recent years. Unfortunately, the NXT titles are no exception. The design itself is not inherently bad. The hexagon in the middle looks good and the mixture of gold and silver certainly makes the belts feel prestigious. However, they are in serious need of a face lift.

While NXT's singles titles have gotten impressive redesigns in recent years, their tag titles have generally felt rather stagnant in terms of their looks. Still sporting the old NXT logo, which feels straight out of 2010, while also looking rather behind the times in terms of their other features, the belts are starting to simply feel dated.

While when these straps were revealed they were excellent, here's hoping WWE redesign them soon, or else the NXT tag belts will just begin to look like expensive paperweights rather than something anyone would actually want to win.

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WWE US Title
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