Ranking Every CWC Round 2 Match - From Worst To Best

6. Rich Swann Vs. Lince Dorado

tajiri gran metalik

Result: Swann lands the Phoenix Splash for the win (8:14).

Rating: This was super-fun, in terms of the plentiful high-flying moves from the outset, a surprising level of power and brutality throughout, and the hilarious dance-off that took place mid-match (especially Dorago's Alex Wright impersonation).

This could've gone either way even though the crowd were super behind Swann, and the fact that Swann and Dorado have fought each other so often demonstrates the benefits of knowing your opponent. This was a totally rock solid contest that got more intense and physical as it progressed, even if it didn't quite pull out anything that took it into the CWC's upper echelons.

Swann winning was 100% the right call given how over he already is and how valuable he's going to be as a WWE signing. Don't feel too bad for Dorado, though: he's also been signed. 7/10


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.